stoking the embers of strength past

R'oa Metellus



  • age: twenty-four autumns

  • gender: Transmasc (he/him)

  • sexuality: polyamorous homosexual

  • Nameday: 30th sun of the 5th umbral moon

  • Race: Gyr Abanian / Seeker of the Sun Mi'qote

  • Languages: Eorzean, Garlean, Huntspeak, Old Miqo'te

  • Partner(s): Amir Al-Amin

  • Protector: The Magus Sisters

  • Alignment: neutral good

  • Occupation: blacksmith, goldsmith, & bodyguard


Extroverted / Introverted
Close Minded / Open Minded
Calm / Anxious
Disagreeable / Agreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Apathetic
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Hard-working / Lazy
Cultured / Uncultured
Loyal / Disloyal
Faithful / Unfaithful


Hot as a blade's edge, R'oa Metellus is a man of who wears his heart on his sleeve. He values honesty and expects it of himself and others, becoming distrustful of those who fail this expectation. He can have quite a temper if he thinks himself or another is being treated unfairly, but he is just as quick to make amends if he is the one in the wrong.A natural critical thinker, R'oa approaches things logically, often looking at things as a puzzle to solve. He is shrewd and intelligent, especially in matters of emotion, picking up on things others say and do and changing his actions accordingly. He has no sense of filter and will always speak from the heart, even if it is to his direct detriment.He is generally easy-going and inquisitive, always ready to learn and explore new possibilities, but he tends to be closed-minded on anything involving Garlemald. His past has made him afraid to forge connections with others, but once you have earned his trust, he will follow you to the pit of the seven hells and back.

Optimistic / Childish / Eager
Observant / Insatiable / World-weary


  • blacksmithing

  • goldsmithing

  • leatherworking

  • singing

  • dancing

  • drawing (poorly)

  • travelling


  • smoke

  • gunpowder

  • ash

  • fire

  • spider lillies

  • intricate metal detailing

  • blood

  • rust

  • jewlery

  • gold

  • gilded metal

  • the color red

  • mangroves


  • Fought in the Battle for Ala Mhigo.

  • Tends to flick his ears and tail when thinking.

  • likes tactile, sticky textures. loves to stim!

  • Insatiable sense of curiosity (has not gotten him killed. yet.).

  • has absolutely no verbal filter.

  • will give you the clothes off his back, regardless of whether you asked or not.

  • deathly afraid of bugs. will screech if one is put on him.


The past

R'oa was born under a searing Gyr Abanian sun to parents R'lloon Serhi and R'serhi Nunh, members of The "R" Tribe. The tribe was located in The Peaks near Rustrock, a secluded location tucked away from Garlean eyes. This allowed R'oa to have a relatively peaceful upbringing. Such peace would not last, however, as Garlean forces attacked his home shortly after his 16th nameday. Desperate to save his tribe, R'oa and his friend R'aiza offered themselves to the Garleans as conscripts, and for eight years they fought for the Garlean Imperial Army against the Eorzean Alliance. During one such battle at Castrum Oriens the pair attempted to escape, but R'aiza was injured during the chaos. Unable to make it across the border together, R'oa was forced to shoot him with a stolen garlean gunblade- crossing Baelsar's Wall alone.After losing his best friend, R'oa fled to Ul'dah to try and start a new life. This dream quickly withered under the brutal Ul'dahn sun- before long R'oa found himself begging on the streets, and he was forced to join a gang to avoid starvation. He earned his keep picking pockets until one night he was given a knife and taken to a secluded alley, with orders to kill a man who couldn't pay back his debts. R'oa urged the man to escape and attacked the gang instead, buying enough time for the man to escape, but the gang beat him for his bravery. He was left for dead in that alleyway, his last thoughts wandering to R'aiza......Until he awoke in a soft bed, safe and sound from the danger of the night prior. Finding himself nearly fully healed, R'oa found himself to be under the care of Amir Al-Amin, a gentle Auri shopkeeper and a newcomer himself to Ul'dah. He offered R'oa sanctuary in his home as his assistant, and despite his initial misgivings R'oa and Amir grew close- falling in love with each other as R'oa finally settled in to his new life. Unfortunately, that peace would not last. A member of R'oa's former gang happened to spy him with Amir in the markets and, deciding to finish the job, ambushing Amir in his storefront. R'oa was forced to retrieve his gunblade and scare the gang member off. In the immediate aftermath R'oa revealed his past to Amir and was accepted, but their troubles did not stop there.Unable to hurt them physically, the gang spread rumors of R'oa garlean connections and turned their neighbors turned against them, making life a living hell and the shop's business plummet. Distraught, R'oa tried to leave Amir but Amir held fast, confessed his love for R'oa and urging him to follow his own heart- allowing R'oa to finally reciprocate his own feelings to Amir in turn. Together the two fled to Thavnair, Amir's homeland, and rebuilt their perfect life together. And in Thavnair R'oa might have stayed there, perfectly content, had he not chanced to meet a certain guildship member offering pastries in the street...

The Present

Currently R'oa is in the employ of the Maker's Mark, a guildship dedicated to the act of creation and all it has to offer to the star. He is an apprentice metalworker and gunbreaker both, determined to reforge himself into a person worthy of his newfound good fortune. Between his apprenticeship and his combat training he always finds time to go home to Thavnair, where Amir is always there to greet him with a loving smile and a cup of tea.He still craves adventure and is always open to travel and explore, the price to hire his services no more than that of an inn room and a hot meal. He is a free to do whatever he wants, and nothing gives him greater pleasure than to use that freedom to help others.



Castle Stoneforge

status | stalwart mentor | carrdCastle is R'oa's mentor and the Guildmaster of The Maker's Mark.Castle and R'oa met during the last few days of the guild's stay in Thavnair. Unsure whether joining the guild was right for him, R'oa met Castle privately in his home to reveal his past. Castle accepted his story and lit the fire of his conviction, allowing R'oa to finally pursue a purpose all his own.Though R'oa's initial view of Castle bordered on hero worship, the two share a bond forged by mutual respect. At present, Castle is teaching R'oa metalwork and the traditional art of gunbreaking, as well as how to summon his aether from the fire within.

G'haizea Tia

status | best friend | carrdHaize is R'oa's best friend and fellow member of The Maker's Mark.When he first came to the guild, R'oa was skittish and wary of others, including Haize. The fellow Seeker won R'oa over, however, by reuniting him with his beloved chocobo Saffron, and ever since the two Miqo'te have been thick as thieves— at each other’s throats and watching each other’s backs in equal measure.Due to their stubborn personalities, the two Seekers occasionally butt heads, but R’oa likes that Haize has bite to his bark and greatly enjoys their banter. He also admires Haize's intelligence and wit, perfectly content to have Haize explain the complexities of magicks and history to him while he works.

Seseka Seka

status | "business associate" | carrdSeseka is R'oa's "business associate" and a fellow member of The Maker's Mark.R'oa and Seseka first met in the markets of Gridania selling jewlery and artisan goods. What started as competitive business slowly shifted to friendly rivalry, and when Seseka found herself in serious need of employment, R'oa recommended her to Maker's Mark.Though they have not known each other long, the two share a natural sibling chemistry. Seseka is practical and reserved by nature, and her dedication to her craft leaves R'oa continually impressed. He tries to help her whenever he can, as invested in helping her to trust others as he is in her glasswork.


Amir Al-Amin

status | loving fiancéeAmir is R'oa's fiancée, a raen Au Ra hailing from Thavnair.With a thick Hannish accent and a calm, cheerful demeanor, Amir is the owner of "The Desert Saffron," an apothecary on Sapphire Avenue in Ul'dah. He found R'oa and nursed him back to health after his fateful encounter in Pearl Lane, and R'oa fell in love with Amir's sense of compassion and patience as they grew closer.In the present, Amir has re-opened his shop in Radz-at-Han and supports R'oa from afar, making sure there is a homecooked meal and a hot cup of tea ready whenever he comes home.

R'aiza Tia

status | a love lostR'aiza was R'oa's best friend, a fellow Sun Seeker hailing from the "R" tribe.R'aiza and R'oa harbored feelings for each other since childhood. R'oa couldn't compete with R'aiza's goal to become Nunh, and neither of them confessed before they were conscripted. Years later the two took their chances and tried to escape, but R'aiza suffered a fatal injury during the chaos. They shared their first and last kiss before R'oa was forced to take R'aiza's life, ending their love story before it began.R'aiza's death haunts R'oa, his guilt and regret often a driving force behind his actions. R'oa keeps his gunblade for this very reason, its presence as much for R'aiza's memory as penance for himself.


status | stowaway petDandelion is a young Thavnairian tiger cub who stowed away on an airship after bonding with R'oa at a petting zoo. A few weeks after landing in Gridania, the adventurous kitten was found by a rather confused R'oa. Rather than deal with the logistics of sending him back to Thavnair, the members of the Maker's Mark decided there was no harm in letting the cub stay.Given the name Dandelion for his pure white coat, R'oa has been able to train this fiery youngster into a respectable model citizen (for a tamed tiger cub at least), and much like his owner, curiosity often gets the better of the cub. However, he seems to have an instinct for appearing sweet and innocent when it best serves him, and he will always behave for tummy scratches and tasty snacks.


status | wartime companionSaffron is R'oa's chocobo, a former war bird from the Ala Mhigan Resistance.The two met when R'oa briefly joined the Resistance to help liberate Ala Mhigo. They quickly bonded despite their short time together, and R'oa was sad to leave her behind when he and Amir left for Thavnair.Fortunately, the chocobo breeder Haize was able to buy Saffron from the Resistance for R'oa, allowing the two to reunite. Since then, Saffron has been R'oa's constant companion on his guild ventures. As expressive and steadfast as her owner, the only thing bigger than Saffron's appetite are her picky eating habits and her plucky attitude.


- Maker's Mark- Current place of Employment
- The Desert Saffron- Residence in Radz-at-Han (Goblet, W15, Apt. 50)
- The Resistance- Former Ala Mhigan Resistance Fighter
- Garlean Imperial Army- Former Imperial Infantry Soldier
- The "R" Tribe- Birthplace/Former Homeland in Gyr Abania


Good Samaritan

common | adventure
R'oa takes pride in his sense of empathy and is always willing to help others. He is experienced in combat and loves jumping into action, but also doesn't mind running a mindless errand or two. In his mind, the chance to learn and explore is often reward enough.

Man's Best Friends

common | slice of life
R'oa loves animals of all shapes and sizes, having both a chocobo and a tamed tiger cub to call his own. Introducing the important companions in your life to him is a surefire way to get his attention, as long as you are prepared to hear him gush about his own companions as well!

Mutual Synthesis

common | slice of life
Though he is still learning, R'oa is adept at metalworking and other artisanry and would love to take on jobs on the behalf of the Maker's Mark. He has specialties in blacksmithing and goldsmithing, and is more than willing to learn from another artisan who has wisdom to offer and time to craft.

The Spice of Life

common | romance
Once you get to know R'oa (or maybe even before) you may hear him talking about his fiancée Amir. He is head over heels for his big Auri partner and enjoys listening to other's tales of love as well. Are you head over heels for some too? Want a sympathetic shoulder to swoon on? R'oa will offer his all too eagerly.

Leopards and Spots

special | slice of life
His life in the tribes may be behind him, but R'oa remembers his childhood fondly and is always a bit homesick. Kinship with fellow Mi'qote, especially those from different tribes, is always of interest to him. If you are a fellow Sun Seeker, he may reminisce with you over a pint or two at the local watering hole.

All Fired Up

special | intrigue
After having learned to use aether, R’oa has found he is unable to be burned by fire. Though unsure of the why and how, the boundaries and possibilities of this newfound quirk are ones R’oa is eager to explore. Preferably with a bucket of water nearby.

a Small World After All

special | recovery
For the majority of his conscription R'oa was stationed at Castrum Oriens: specifically, Baelsar's Wall. The world is never as big as one thinks, and while R'oa would never remember every face he saw during his long years of service, he may be more likely to recognize a fellow conscript from the Wall.

an Eye for an eye

special | dark
A man doesn't spend 8 years in hell and come out unscathed, and R'oa has traumatized by his time in the Garlean Imperial Army. Although he is doing his best to move on, there are some scars never heal. If there's a job you need done that involves revenge against Garleans, he will take it all too eagerly.

Seeking contacts that are:

  • Adventurers

  • Artisans

  • Garleans: friends and enemies alike

  • garlean conscripts

  • gunbreakers

  • seekers of the sun mi'qote

The R Tribe


The R Tribe is a Miqo'te tribe that lives in the mountains of Gyr Abania. Their ancestral home is nestled within Rustrock



Notable Members

NameRole in TribeStatus
- R'oa Metellus- Ambassador, Warrior- Travelling with guild
- R'lloon Serhi- Lead Huntress, R'oa's mother- temp tribe leader
- R'koorle Serhi- 2nd lead Huntress- vying for lead huntress
- R'shika Serhi- Huntress- searching for frogs
- R'mala Serhi- Huntress, blacksmith- sharpening weapons
- R'seka Chuso- R'oa's sister- caring for R'toku
- J'chuso Tia- Warrior, R'seka's partner- aiming to be nunh
- R'toku Tia- Baby, R'seka's son- just baby things
- U'tran Tia- Guard, shepherd- aiming to be nunh
- R'kali Tia- Guard- aiming to be Nunh
- Tonya Cooper- Leatherworker, merchant- trading and travelling
- R'ashta Serhi- Former Huntress, R'aiza's mother- Unknown



  • Open to in-game RP and character plotting! please message me on discord before starting any rp.

  • Paragraph/multi-paragraph preferred.

  • Can RP in dungeons with light and/or full RP parties!

  • Explicit mutual consent is required for anything that is a dealbreaker, even if it doesn't happen to my character.

  • 21+ rp partners only.

  • Though R'oa is open for romance, OOC discussion is an absolute requirement before a romantic thread is pursued.

  • Absolutely no racism, sexism, ableism, or homophobia of any kind. Referring to in-game prejudices as existing is okay, but directing those attitudes toward R'oa is not. Ask me OOC if you are unsure.

  • IC and OOC are separate! please treat them as such.

general guide

- slice of life- gore
- casual adventure & dungeons- lore breaking (bending is okay!)
- story-driven- grimdark storylines
- character progression-excessive violence
- drama/mystery/intrigue-erp*
- platonic/romantic relationships- pvp*
- Found family- emotional manipulation
- long-term stories/partners- character injury/death
- +21 y/o rp partners- meta-game and god-game
- est timezone- mixing ic and ooc
- /party chat preferred when in public, non-rp spaces- characters that cannot travel to city-states/residential districts

*may be permissible with ooc discussion beforehand


  • basics: cap | 28 | autistic | they/them

  • server: primal | leviathan

  • timezone: est

  • discord: knightblooms

Hello hello! My name is Cap and I'm a librarian, artist, and lover of all things soft and cartoony. I enjoy RP a lot and am looking to find serious RP partners! I enjoy arts & crafts, making moodboards/playlists, video games, reading, and watching bad movies!

Other Characters